Saturday, November 14, 2015


PEOPLE: Spain has four major ethnic groups that are divided by language, Castilian, Basque, Catalan and Galician which combined account for almost the entire population. Other ethnic minorities include Gitanos, Magyars, Gypsies and Jews.

 Percentages of Ethnic groups:

Castilian Spanish 74,4%; Catalan 16,9%; Galician 6,4%; Basque 1,6%; other 0,7%

Ethnic Conflicts: 

There is no clear continuity between medieval and contemporary Spain, yet nationlists often resort to that history to gain political legitimacy. There are today five major regions or cultural areas: Galicia, Basque Provinces-Navarre, Catalonia, Castile and Andalusia; four languages: Galician, Basque, Catalán, Castilian (Spanish); and several dialects.

"The Basque Problem" is not only ethnic problem facing pluralist Spain. The development of 17 autonomous regions has lessensed the significance of the more threatening nationalisms of Catalonia and the Basque Provinces, but it has also brought on new forms of ethnic difference and new rivalries among the autonomous regions.

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